~ Rebecca
Life is crazy sometimes. Crazy, and funny, and sad, and frustrating, and all together good. While many of you can appreciate life with little kids, I'm sure that most of you would just like to catch up with us. We all live so far away, that we miss the day to day happenings, and this is a small way of trying to keep everyone connected. We'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to post comments.
Please feel free to share the blog, but don't publish the pictures or contents without my permission. Thanks.
Please feel free to share the blog, but don't publish the pictures or contents without my permission. Thanks.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Does Santa Drink Beer???
~ Rebecca
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Nina's Ice Show
Nina's ice show was today. One picture is of Nina and her coach, Jackie. Jackie is wearing the scarf that I made for her as a Christmas present (thank goodness she liked it because it took me forever to finish). Asher liked watching all the kids skate, but was more interested in trying to get his hat off. Nina did REALLY well, and she sure did enjoy performing to the crowd, which makes me think that this will be the first of many, many performances. All 4 of Blake's parents attended, so Nina had an entire bleacher section cheering for her.
~ Rebecca
Everyone Needs a Helper.....
Asher's been cruising around the kitchen by pushing a laundry basket. He's quickly figured out that he can push the basket over to the counter, climb on the basket, and then reach things on the kitchen counter or the stove. Once he figured out that he could go somewhere, he's been all over the place, which is another nightmare in baby proofing! Of course, the more adventurous he becomes, the bigger the tumbles are, so he's becoming a toddler with black and blues all over the place. Here are a few pictures of him "helping" me.
~ Rebecca
Why our kitchen floor is so cold.....
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
What was I Thinking????
I thought it would be a good idea to take some pictures of the kids for our Holiday card. What a nightmare!! Nina was all about the posing, and all Asher wanted to do was "get away". They still might make it on to the card, but they kept me laughing all morning. Also, here is a picture of how I make dinner - every night! I can't thank Nicol enough for this baby sling because between the hours of 4:30-6:00 pm, it's the only way I can keep him happy. Blake obviously took the picture, but yes, Nina is also always in the mix....and Blake wonders why I put them to bed at 6:30 some nights.
Have a Happy Hanukkah! I brought some Latkes into school for Nina today, and she's all ticked off because she wanted a cake. Hey - the token half Jewish kid has to at least make an effort!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Christmakah with Clark Griswald

Well, it's December 1st, and Blake's got the annual runway strip of lights up in the front yard...and he's not done yet!! Every year it gets worse - oops - I mean bigger. We were explaining Hanukkah to Nina at dinner and she asked if that's why Daddy puts up so many lights. Asher has slept through the night for the past three nights. I feel somewhat human again. I got the kids pictures taken earlier this week, and I've included a few here. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
November News

Since most of our family live so far away, I thought that this would be a great chance to catch everyone up on our lives. I don't send out as many pictures as I used to, so hopefully this will motivate me more.
Nina's been ice skating twice a week, and she's getting quite good. She can do spins, skate backwards, and stop while falling on her face! Secretly, I'm glad that she has to work on this to get better because you can see the pride on her face when she finally "gets it". She's enjoying kindergarten and is growing up so quickly all of a sudden. Just this summer, she was all about the Disney Princesses, and now we've graduated to Hannah Montana and High School Musical. She also has VERY strong ideas about her clothes and even the way that I should be dressing. At least she speaks her mind, but it gets annoying.....who knows what we'll in for in another 10 years.
Asher is 9 months old and crawling like a pro. We have hundreds of dollars worth of toys in the playroom, and he's in my tupperware cabinet. He's also starting to pull himself up and climb the stairs. He's babbling non-stop, mostly saying "mama", "dada", "Nina" and "hi cat" (sounds more like ha-dat than cat, but we get the idea).
Blake sprained his ankle last month, and it's still not healed. We were joking that he did it on purpose just to get out of house chores, but now it's not funny anymore. So as much as he hates to go to the doctor, I think a trip is finally in order. He's been ice skating with Nina, but that's been put on hold until the ankle heals.
My business has been slowing down the past couple of months. One reason is that my retail accounts have had a slow start to the holiday season, so they're not reordering. Another reason is that Blake's been traveling a lot for work, so I haven't had that much time to work. I'm actually okay with it being slow right now because it gives me a chance to catch up on some stuff around the house. I've been itching to scrapbook and hang out with my friends, and I'm slowly starting to re-enter that world. I forgot how much a baby cuts into the "me time" (whatever that is - I've forgotten). Asher still isn't sleeping through the night (I know, I know), but he just stopped nursing, so we're taking the hard line and letting him cry it out. Two nights ago, he cried for 5 hours, last night 4 hours, so perhaps there is an end in sight. Whatever - I'm just so tired that I'll take anything at this point.
Here are a few pictures of the kids. Enjoy!
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