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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Baby Bunnies!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Food for Hibernation
So, every week, I load the kids into the car and we drive on out to the orchard. I always have these romantic visions of happy, frolicking children, who are polite, cheerful, agreeable, and pleasant the entire time. Apparently, my dream veered off into a cannabis patch because that's never happened. I always time it wrong. So, my fault entirely. It's either too hot, too close to dinner, too close to nap, too buggy, too the wrong shoes, and on and on.
I finally had to put Asher in his stroller because Nina and I would fill up the container, move on to the next bush, only to turn around and find the berries all gone. Asher would be looking innocent, and signing "more", while pointing at the empty container. (All in all, I think it's a good idea to teach young toddlers sign language because it cuts down on their frustration until they can full articulate their needs....however, it's pretty much the same as asking for water and ice cream 548 times).
So far, this is what I've got in that bad boy downstairs:
a ba-zillion packs of strawberries
blueberrries (although, I need more of these)
Body Zone Ice Show
A pretty good spiral. She spent many, many weeks flat on her face before she was able to balance enough to glide across the ice.
Going into her waltz jump. I've been reading my digital camera handbook. I need to practice shooting in the arena more because the light bouncing off the ice and glass enclosures makes the pictures not as clear. Asher...well, he would have none of that. I had to hold him in one arm, and manipulate the camera with the other. I'll take what I can and practice another time.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Big Boy Haircut
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Who knew she was that funny
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Art on the Avenue
Here's the tent - in the blazing sun. I got a nice tan.
Some dresses and baby blocks. Blake (aka - Mr. Free Labor) is in the background.
A satisfied customer. Little Eli Esterbrook in his brand new pineapple hat. You know, that hat was such a bitch to make that I swore I wouldn't make another one....but, it is awfully cute, so now I'm rethinking the idea.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My boy
Allergy-free Coconut Cupcakes
Monday, June 16, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A little whine with that dress, Miss??
Monday, June 9, 2008
Cape May
Friday, June 6, 2008
I also have a ton of new pictures to post, but the darn card reader is acting up, so it will have to wait.
And while it seems that I have endless tasks to accomplish, I am doing nothing more that wasting time on the internet and eating these really gross healthy cupcakes that I made for Nina (I think they're gross, she likes them, so essentially, the plan worked because I should not be eating them anyway). I remember this cartoon (or was it a commercial?) a few years back where a person was sitting at a computer, and a pop-up appeared that said, "You have now reached the end of the internet". That's me tonight.
I'm still not ready for my show in two weeks, but I cannot look at another lilliputian dress today. "Little girls, little girls, every where I look". I am most creative really late at night, which is a contradiction because I am SO not a nightowl. So, I get all these great ideas, sketch them out, think about material, cost, construction, labelling, and yet, very rarely get around to making the actual item. I literally have dozens of sketchbooks with discarded frocks. And I do my best "fixing" plans in the shower. ie - I just made a dress for Nina from a picture that I saw in a really overpriced catalog, but the button closure was wonky (or more appropriately, the elastic loop snapped as she wasn't jumping on the couch..."I don't know how it happened, Mommy, but I wasn't jumping on the couch" Mmmmmm). Ten minutes in the hot steam, and viola!!! it's fixed. I would attach a picture, but it's on the card that can't be read right now.
Anywhooooo....I'm hoping that we have wifi at the beach, so I can get the blog up to date, but it might not happen. We'll see.
"Mommy? Does "we'll see" mean that it might happen or does maybe mean that".
"Well, Nina.......It's in the secret Mommy code of language book that you're not allowed to see for at least another 25 years. I'd stick with the how-to-push-all-of-your-Mother's-buttons manual for the time being."
Sun and sand here we come........