I am slowly, slowly starting to see an end to the enormous list of tasks that need to be accomplished in the next few days. It's always hard when Christmas and Hanukkah happen at the same time because there's just so "much" going on. It's an overload of the senses, and by this time of the season, all the Holiday joy has been sucked out of me.
Nina is super duper excited. She's barely sleeping. Asher is oblivious and just plain bad. I taught him to say, "Bad, bad baby", and he uses the phrase appropriately....just when he's about to do something naughty. Nina had dress rehearsal for the ice show tonight, and while she was skating, Asher ran away from me. He didn't just run across the gym. He decided that he needed to run across the indoor soccer field, while a game was taking place. Everyone laughed and thought it was cute. I, however, did not. I'm so sick and freaking tired of chasing this kid all over creation. Of course, if I were nice and skinny, then I could say something witty, "Oh, he keeps me fit". I'm not skinny and he's still bad. That's just the way it goes.
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and all that other nonsense. Blake asked me what I wanted for a gift, and I said that it would be nice to have some time for myself. He looked at me incredulously and said, "You just got your hair cut last week"! Oh yeah, that hour and a half really fit the bill. Apparently, labor laws do not apply to Motherhood.
The season is all about the ones we love, and these are a few of them: