Happy New Year! I am working on my year-long to do list because it sounds better than a resolution. I'm more task orientated, so it helps to stick to a list that I can cross off. I'll post it here in a few days, so maybe you can keep track with me.
This year promises to be one filled with changes, and my utmost priority is to be as positive as I can about all of them. Giving into the Eeyore tendencies is all too easy and it affects how the rest of my family deals with things. Happy, happy girl. That's me.
We had a nice day. Blake's mom gave us a Holiday gift of babysitting, with money for a movie and dinner. In my opinion, it's the perfect gift. We saw a matinee of the Benjamin Button movie (very good) and split a steak for dinner because red meat is not usually our friend and we both really, really wanted dessert. The kiddos had a nice afternoon, and now they're tucked in bed and everyone is happy - us because we had a break, and the kids because we're back home. Children are really weird little creatures of habit.
Hope everyone has a happy and healthy start to 2009. Here's a little of what I have on the horizon:
1. we're moving. I hope this happens sooner rather than later because I dislike living in limbo
2. it's my 20th high school reunion this year. How that much time has passed it totally beyond me, and I'm amazed at how little has happened in that time, with the exclusion of big things like marriage and kids. I was never a big dreamer, nor did I ever expect myself to do great, history-making things, but really......what is there going to be to talk about?
3. I'm applying to get into the Philadelphia Museum's Craft Show. It's competitive, which by nature I am not, so I'm hoping that my skills will speak for themselves.
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