Life is crazy sometimes. Crazy, and funny, and sad, and frustrating, and all together good. While many of you can appreciate life with little kids, I'm sure that most of you would just like to catch up with us. We all live so far away, that we miss the day to day happenings, and this is a small way of trying to keep everyone connected. We'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to post comments.

Please feel free to share the blog, but don't publish the pictures or contents without my permission. Thanks.

Friday, June 6, 2008


We're leaving for the beach tomorrow. Have I packed anything? Um, no. In fact, last week I decided that I was NOT going to be the one packing for 3 people, and a dog, while Blake only packs for himself. Well, that theory was just that - a theory. So, I'll pack tomorrow morning because what's the point at 11 pm at night??

I also have a ton of new pictures to post, but the darn card reader is acting up, so it will have to wait.

And while it seems that I have endless tasks to accomplish, I am doing nothing more that wasting time on the internet and eating these really gross healthy cupcakes that I made for Nina (I think they're gross, she likes them, so essentially, the plan worked because I should not be eating them anyway). I remember this cartoon (or was it a commercial?) a few years back where a person was sitting at a computer, and a pop-up appeared that said, "You have now reached the end of the internet". That's me tonight.

I'm still not ready for my show in two weeks, but I cannot look at another lilliputian dress today. "Little girls, little girls, every where I look". I am most creative really late at night, which is a contradiction because I am SO not a nightowl. So, I get all these great ideas, sketch them out, think about material, cost, construction, labelling, and yet, very rarely get around to making the actual item. I literally have dozens of sketchbooks with discarded frocks. And I do my best "fixing" plans in the shower. ie - I just made a dress for Nina from a picture that I saw in a really overpriced catalog, but the button closure was wonky (or more appropriately, the elastic loop snapped as she wasn't jumping on the couch..."I don't know how it happened, Mommy, but I wasn't jumping on the couch" Mmmmmm). Ten minutes in the hot steam, and viola!!! it's fixed. I would attach a picture, but it's on the card that can't be read right now.

Anywhooooo....I'm hoping that we have wifi at the beach, so I can get the blog up to date, but it might not happen. We'll see.

"Mommy? Does "we'll see" mean that it might happen or does maybe mean that".

"Well, Nina.......It's in the secret Mommy code of language book that you're not allowed to see for at least another 25 years. I'd stick with the how-to-push-all-of-your-Mother's-buttons manual for the time being."

Sun and sand here we come........

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