About 50% of my day consists of trying to make food that my children will eat. Healthy food. Not crap. It's become close to an obsession, especially with Nina. She will eat practically every fruit and
vegetable that I put in front of her, but she refuses to eat meat. Every now and then, I force the issue, but mostly, I'm left with the daunting task of being creative with food. I'm not good at it. I don't enjoy it. In fact, there is such a lackluster response for my cooking, that I've given up trying all together.....with this one exception. A few years ago, I came up with this pancake recipe that's not half bad. Blake and I call them "colon blow" pancakes, but Nina and Asher both love them. Here is my recipe.
1 cup
multi grain pancake mix
1 cup oatmeal
2-3 Tbs.
Flax seed meal
2-3 Tbs. oil
1/2 cup applesauce
1 egg
1 cup skim milk (or whatever is needed to get it right)
a dash of vanilla
frozen blueberries (for Asher)
chocolate chips (for Nina) I tried carob chips once, but they were gross
Make the pancakes as you normally would. These are dense, not super light and fluffy.
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