Nina's Daisy Girl Scout Troop was invited to spring camp this year.....and we got to spend the night! Usually the "little girls" only come up for the day, but this year they could stay over....if their moms stayed with them. It was fun. No, you know what, it was really fun. We stayed in a sort of dorm, with bunk beds and bathrooms on the top floor, and a kitchen and picnic tables downstairs. Nina tried sleeping on the top bunk, but that proved to be too scary (for both of us), so her mattress got moved to the floor next to mine. I kept telling her that it was her first sleepover, and she smiled from ear to ear.

There are 15 girls in Nina's troop, but only 9 of them made it up for camp. There was a lot of giggling, hand holding, singing, and crying. It still amazes me how they can all be best friends at 6 in the morning, by 2 in the afternoon, they're bitter enemies, and by 2:15, they're holding hands again.

I also wonder when personal space becomes an issues because it's not present for 5 year olds.

Nina had a hard time getting the equipment right....and she wouldn't let me help.

At the end of camp, they all "bridged" to Brownie Girl Scouts. It was cute. They actually walked over a little bridge and got their badges. We were going to stay for the scavenger hunt, but both of us were exhausted. Nina fell asleep in the car on the way home. I carried her up to her bed and she didn't wake up until after dinner....and she was still miserable.
I had such a great Girl Scouting experience growing up that I really wanted her to be a part of it. So far, she seems to enjoy it. Or maybe it's just the chance to do something alone with me. It's good all the way around.