Life is crazy sometimes. Crazy, and funny, and sad, and frustrating, and all together good. While many of you can appreciate life with little kids, I'm sure that most of you would just like to catch up with us. We all live so far away, that we miss the day to day happenings, and this is a small way of trying to keep everyone connected. We'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to post comments.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Things that keep me up at night......

Religion and Politics are two topics that I’ve always tried to steer clear. So when Nina asked me the other day, “What is Heaven?”, I cringed. “Well, Nina, some people believe that Heaven is a beautiful place that you go to after you die”. I wasn’t even getting into the whole soul idea because I knew that she was going to ask about Lily, our cat who died last year. It was like a slow motion picture going on inside my head because the one question I didn’t want her to ask, she did. “What do you believe, Mommy”? Oh, man. I’ve been trying to avoid this conversion with everyone my entire adult life and now my five year old is looking for me to tell her the truth and guide her in the right direction. Its bad enough we introduced her to Santa, leprechauns, the tooth fairy and all that other crap, but now I have to come up with an explanation for something that people wage wars over. Blake and I always thought that we’d introduce both of our religions to her and let her formulate her own ideas, and then she could choose her own path. Great plan for when she’s 18, but I’m painfully unprepared for this. Add our parents “help” into the mix and we’re totally screwed.

After she asked the question, I just looked at her for a few minutes, will all these thoughts running though my head, and different scenarios being played out. She’ll remember your answer for a long time, Rebecca, so don’t screw it up. So, in conclusion Nina, “I think so. I hope so.”….but I just don’t know.

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