Life is crazy sometimes. Crazy, and funny, and sad, and frustrating, and all together good. While many of you can appreciate life with little kids, I'm sure that most of you would just like to catch up with us. We all live so far away, that we miss the day to day happenings, and this is a small way of trying to keep everyone connected. We'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to post comments.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

She's your allergy kid.

That's what the pediatric allergist said last week. About Nina. After weighing the pros and cons of getting her allergy tested, we finally decided that, in the long run, it would be best for Nina. And the only con that we can up with was that it was going to hurt and itch for a few minutes. We went on Thursday, and she was a trooper. It's a good thing that she couldn't see her back after the hives started because she would have totally freaked out!! All in all, she's allergic to a ton of stuff that we didn't even know....mainly, pollinating trees, grasses, weeds, mold, dog, cat, oranges, soy and peanuts. Ish. We don't have to get rid on the animals, but they're no longer allowed in her room, and the cats are pissed. As for the foods, well, she lives on peanut butter, so there is no need to eliminate it from her diet. We just have to watch and see if it becomes worse. And the funny thing is that she's never liked oranges because she always said that they were "spicy". I had no idea that what she was actually describing was an allergic reaction to them. It's a good thing that I never forced her to eat them. Anyway - long story sort-of short, she will start allergy shots when she's 6 or 7, but for now, we changed up her medication. It is helping a lot more than the arsenal of drugs the regular pediatrician put her on. Here's a picture of her during the height of maple tree bloom......poor kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, not that it's any of my business, but when I read your post about Nina's allergies I felt so bad for her and wondered if it might be worth a trip to a Naturopath - maybe save her from the meds. Just a thought.