R: Nina...I think Daddy feels guilty because I painted the porch.
N: What's guilty mean?
R: It's feeling really, really bad about something. Daddy feels this a lot.
B: But mostly I just feel glad because it's done...and I didn't have to do it.
Here's the beautiful newly painted porch. We can't put anything back on it until later in the week, but it's done. Check one huge project off the summer to-do list.
Also, look what I found at the yard sales on Saturday. Scott, do you remember this??? It's a Fischer Price airport from the 70s. And I got it for only $.50!!!! Asher's cars fit in it perfectly. Nina said, "But it doesn't DO anything". Exactly. I think it's cool.
I made these for the Art on the Avenue show in June. They are hair bows attached to a card. I was struggling with a way to display them, and then remembered that I had all of these blank cards leftover from some Christmas project. I think it makes them all the more appealing because they can be given as a gift. I'm still struggling with the price. In order to make any sort of profit, I'd need to charge a minimum of $8, and Blake thinks it's too low, but then again, he's not the one buying birthday gifts and the sort (so what does he know?). I'd like to charge $10, but I'm a little nervous about it.....thoughts????? Asher is walking full time now. He was still toddling a little this weekend, but as of today, he's been upright all over the place. That means it's time to take the overalls out because they won't bunch up around his neck while he's crawling. I love overalls. You can also see a little of his baby mullet. I just don't have the heart to cut his hair yet. It's not at all curly, but until it's really in his eyes, I don't want it cut.
Happy Monday!!
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