Life is crazy sometimes. Crazy, and funny, and sad, and frustrating, and all together good. While many of you can appreciate life with little kids, I'm sure that most of you would just like to catch up with us. We all live so far away, that we miss the day to day happenings, and this is a small way of trying to keep everyone connected. We'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to post comments.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One-Woman-Sweatshop - literally

I work in the attic. It's nice up there. I can spread all my crap out and no one helps themselves to anything. It's what I need to keep my sanity. A place of my own.....because nothing is mine anymore. The only downfall is that it's hot up there. Really hot. Yet, I get stuff done. Here are the cooking aprons that I finished this week. Nina made me pay her (!!!!) to model them, but she works for cheap - a McDonald's shake. I have one more to make, but I swear like a sailor with the oven mitts. There's so small, and I end up running the stitches over the wrong part.

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