Life is crazy sometimes. Crazy, and funny, and sad, and frustrating, and all together good. While many of you can appreciate life with little kids, I'm sure that most of you would just like to catch up with us. We all live so far away, that we miss the day to day happenings, and this is a small way of trying to keep everyone connected. We'd love to hear from you, so please feel free to post comments.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great book for kids.....

Nina's current favorite books are the Skippyjon Jones series by Judy Schachner. We, quite frankly, don't mind reading them either, which is a good thing because we have to read the same books over, and over, and over, and over again. They have enough 5 year old humor to keep Nina laughing, and we're perfecting our Spanish accent. There are even quite a few songs thrown in. It's a muy muy excellent book series.

1 comment:

a lil cup of Jo said...

I think I know the first book by goddaughter was obsessed.But with the other 3 out there..I have lots of catching up to do!

Love reading those books!